🙌🏻 It's baaack - and it's better than ever!

Hey hey Reader!

Homeschooling, right? I've been in the trenches for over a decade. It's ridiculously easy to get buried in checklists, books, and supplies until you look like you're auditioning for a reality show called "Hoarders: Homeschool Edition." Guilty as charged.

Too many books and not enough bookshelves, amiright?

I totally get why you have all this stuff. You’re on a quest for the Holy Grail of teaching methods, trying to figure out how to engage a kid who thinks sitting still is a form of medieval torture. Maybe you’ve got a house full of kids, each with their own unique learning style, turning you into a homeschooling superhero with the power to adapt on the fly.

But you can't fool me, Reader. I know that sometimes you’re just winging it, wondering if you’re making progress or just creating future therapy clients.

If only there was a magical guide that could lead you through the chaos, a homeschool GPS just for your family.

I got you. Because now there is!

I'm beyond excited to announce the ​3rd annual Homeschool Mom Summer Summit!​ This isn't your average summit. I know how they've been popping up left and right just like my adult acne. But trust me, this one ain't like those other ones that just don't deliver quite the whole way...

I know homeschool moms juggle more than a circus performer (I have a teenager, a preteen, and a 6 year old, and I'm a single mom - and the preteen is my only daughter...Lord help me Jesus.), and I was particular in gathering the speakers for this summit. (Yes, I'm *hosting* this Homeschool Mom Summer Summit!) And I'm super proud of what they've accomplished to provide for you a wonderful experience this summer to help you fill in those gaps and feel like a pro.

If you're a newbie, a new-ish-bie, or a homeschool mom like me who's been doing this for a hot minute, then this summit is fr you! Treat it like your roadmap through this summer and this homeschool year. It's complete with tips, resources, and a good dose of encouragement for both homeschooling and #momlife.

You’ll find real talk from moms just like you on topics that only us homeschool moms can relate to. This summit is all about YOU, Reader, and how you can rejuvenate, strengthen, and totally master the navigation of your homeschool journey right now.

Because even *I* get lost sometimes and need help recalibrating my navigation through the homeschool year. I'm SUPER looking forward to everything too, right alongside you!

Here's what you get

For 5 fabulous days, from June 24-28, we’ll dive into summer homeschooling and prep for the new school year, with sessions covering everything from teaching techniques to planning a year-round homeschool. We’ve got life skills, faith, and encouragement workshops too.

And if you're a year round homeschooler (like me), we have 16 workshops dedicated JUST for year round homeschoolers! Ow-ow-owww!!!

Even though the summit is in a few weeks, we want you to register early so you can access all the goodies inside the community ALL MONTH LONG leading up to the free summit! Yes!

You’ll hear from amazing speakers on a wide range of topics like integrating literacy, teaching geography, year-round scheduling, and keeping the learning going through summer.

OMG you'll even get a workshop on raising chickens!!! Yes!! We have workshops in the "life skills for moms" category you will LOVE! How cool is THAT?!

As for me, I'll be talking about implementing interactive notebooks and the technicalities /secrets to maintaining a positive mindset. Little hacks I do, but also the behind the psyche of it as well.

Oh! And we’ve also got some big names lined up, including:

  • Natalie Burns with Homeschool Teaching Simplified
  • Shanda Smith with Your Travel Secret & Homeschool Travel Resource (who's also a sponsor)
  • Jeannie Fulbright with Jeannie Fulbright Press
  • Corinne Schmitt with Wondermom Wannabe (who's also a sponsor)
  • Kelly Dowd with The Field Trip Academy (who's also a sponsor)
  • Amanda Schenkenberger with Homeschool Family Legacy (who's also a sponsor AND will be one of our live Keynote Speakers during the summit!)
  • Joanie Boeckman with Simple Living Mama
  • Leia LeMaster Horton, M.Ed. with Horton Test Prep (who's also a sponsor)
  • Inga Masek, M.Ed./Ed.S. with Empowered Homeschool Mom (who's also a sponsor)
  • Stephanie Irragi with Mama Shark (who's also a sponsor)

And a whole lot more!

The best part? It’s absolutely FREE! 🤯 Last year, the summer summit cost to register but not this year! 🙌🏻

There’s so much more I want to share, but I’ll let you discover the details yourself.

Get your FREE summer summit ticket now!

The Homeschool Mom Summer Summit is a crowd favorite among speakers and attendees alike. This is our 3rd time hosting it – can you believe it?!

I can’t wait to show you what’s new this year!!

See you there!


PS: Don’t miss out on all the tips, ideas, and incredible resources at the 3rd annual Homeschool Mom Summer Summit, created just for homeschool moms like you! After you register, you’ll be redirected to learn about upgrading to the VIP pass with tons of bonuses and perks!

PPS: Did you already register? Like during last week's giveaway? Then you can skip the registration and go straight to learning more about the VIP pass ​here​ with all its bonuses!

Richie Soares

I love high-fiving homeschool moms from all walks of life. As a single homeschool mom myself of 3 kiddos, I know what it's like running a home, running a homeschool, and running your business - what's the time for you? That's where I come in. I'm your shortcut to awesome homeschool resources, seasonal self-care for moms, and the ins (and outs) of momlife. It's my hope that you find delight in my words, treasures within my posts, and camaraderie in #momlife! Sign up below to get my ever witty slightly embarrassing yet undeniably worthy newsletters and 'freemails' below!

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