
Richie Soares

I love high-fiving homeschool moms from all walks of life. As a single homeschool mom myself of 3 kiddos, I know what it's like running a home, running a homeschool, and running your business - what's the time for you? That's where I come in. I'm your shortcut to awesome homeschool resources, seasonal self-care for moms, and the ins (and outs) of momlife. It's my hope that you find delight in my words, treasures within my posts, and camaraderie in #momlife! Sign up below to get my ever witty slightly embarrassing yet undeniably worthy newsletters and 'freemails' below!

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The Bittersweet Joy of Watching Your Kids Grow Up

Hi Reader, I hope you're enjoying the warm days of summer and the slower pace it often brings. I wanted to share a heartfelt reflection on something that's been on my mind lately. Our children growing up in what seems like the blink of an eye, bringing us equal parts heartbreak and pride. It happens before you realize it, and once you do, oh it's already over. Catching you completely off guard, even though you knew it was coming. Since my youngest, I have seen so many moments I missed with...

Ignite this School Year with"Let's Teach!" Homeschool eZine! It's 100% FREE! Seriously, this amazing homeschooling eZine is completely FREE to read and to download. No Strings Attached! Get YOUR COPY of "Let's Teach!" Now! What's in the Fall 2024 issue: Articles by experts and experienced homeschooling parents: Character Training: Laying The Foundation for Academic Success (Kathie Morrissey \ The Character Corner) Should Your Child Learn to Code? (Lauren Schroeder | Salt & Lightspeed)...

Hey Reader! Ok so I know this is a BIG call, but there is one thing I ALWAYS stand by when it comes to parenting or motherhood... It has COMPLETELY changed me from being anxious that people are judging me, to knowing that I am just fine in who I am. And that advice is this: You are *never* going to feel like a perfect mother for more than maybe 5 minutes per month – max – and the moment we learn to embrace (and accept) imperfect parenting, everything becomes better. And in fact, I remember...

Hi Reader! I wanted to share with you about the digital version of the Mommy & Me Bible Study Journal! It's can be a digital version (or you can get the physical one on Amazon here!). It's a "bible study journal" because it sets you and your daughter up to study the bible together and helps to nurture that bond between mother and daughter. Our day-to-day lives are crazy busy and we need to be more intentional with our quality time with our children. This Bible Study Journal introduces...

Hi Reader! This Bible curriculum is making waves in the homeschool community! It's so amazing, and I love how beautiful and engaging it is for kids. It's Grapevine Studies! Ever heard of them? They're for families, homeschool co-ops, AND churches! They have a lot of different resources, like bible studies such as Esther or Moses or Joshua, etc. (They actually have a bunch of different Bible studies!) But what I noticed myself that really stands out are their stick figure drawings! They used...

Hi Reader! Happy Monday! Looks like the school year is here for those who take summer breaks! I can't even tell what we are anymore. 🤣 We took so many breaks this summer that I think we're just unschooling for the most part. It's amazing, really, how much kids learn outside of the "school time" realm. For example, my son learned - all on his own mind you - 200 species of BIRDS!!! Well, *I'VE* NEVER taught anything about birds! Because seriously, if I go to teach my kids 200 birds and their...

Hey Reader! I recently signed up to be one of those people who do Paperpie, like a rep. They call them Brand Partners, which are kind of like consultants. I used to be part of Younique makeup, and I loved it! I sold lots of makeup and was able to get free makeup just for selling makeup. Apparently, Paperpie is the same way! Turns out, I can get free books (like Kane Miller books and Usborned books, etc) for FREE just for sharing about books - which I already do anyway! Well, they have to buy...

When it comes to homeschooling, here's a little secret most seasoned homeschoolers won't spill: Owning "too" many resources (or even ideas) for months ahead can utterly transform your homeschool day. Things change rapidly when you have the right tools, strategies and resources laid out for you in an action plan. No more blank lesson planning pages or creative droughts to make your days fun. Just a goldmine of material at your fingertips, ready to give you practical resources, expert insights,...

Hey Reader! The realization that your homeschool isn’t quite working out the way you’d planned isn’t a fun one. You might look back at your last few curriculums and see that the lessons weren’t the kinds your kids learned from best. Or you might not have any past happy lesson moments with your kids to look back on and feel like you’ll never create a consistent homeschool happy day. I’ve been there. We’ve all been there. It’s a scary feeling, but know that there’s always a way to improve and...

Hey hey Reader! Homeschooling, right? I've been in the trenches for over a decade. It's ridiculously easy to get buried in checklists, books, and supplies until you look like you're auditioning for a reality show called "Hoarders: Homeschool Edition." Guilty as charged. Too many books and not enough bookshelves, amiright? I totally get why you have all this stuff. You’re on a quest for the Holy Grail of teaching methods, trying to figure out how to engage a kid who thinks sitting still is a...